Signal and System
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Signal and System
Signals and systems are frequently discussed without knowing the exact parameters being represented. This is the same as using x and y in al...
A signal is a function representing a physical quantity or variable, and typically it contains information about the behavior or nature of t...
A system is a mathematical model of a physical process that relates the input (or excitation) signal to the output (or response) signal. Let...
Convolution is a powerful way of characterizing the input-output relationship of time invarient linear systems. There are two convolution th...
Energy and Power Signals
x(t) (or x[n]) is said to be an energy signal (or sequence) if and only if 0 so P = 0. x(t) (or x[n]) is said to be a power signal (or seque...
Real and Complex Signals
Real and Complex Signals: A signal x(t) is a real signal if its value is a real number, and a signal x(t) is a complex signal if its value i...
Analog and Digital Signals
If a continuous-time signal x(t) can take on any value in the continuous interval (a, b), where a may be - infinity and b may be + infinity,...
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